Attractions and Events

Aside from the Castle, sights to see in Knaresborough include Mother Shipton’s Petrifying Well, The House in the Rock and several cave dwellings, one of which is a chapel dating from the Middle Ages. Knaresborough is also the site of Ye Oldest Chemist Shoppe in England, opened in 1720. There is also the Courthouse Museum which is located in the Castle grounds. The Castle grounds are used as a public open space which includes a bowling green.

Each year the Town hosts a number of large social events, chief among them being the Great Knaresborough Bed Race. Every summer since 1966, teams comprising six runners and one passenger, decorate special tube frame ‘beds’ for a parade through the town. Then, once the beds have been stripped of their non-essential decorations, they compete to push the bed on a race throughout the town. The event has attracted over 25,000 people to the town.

There is also an annual arts festival, FEVA (Festival of Entertainment and Visual Arts) which has been running since 2001. This takes place in the summer in various locations throughout the town centre.

 The principal areas of public open space in the town are the grounds of Knaresborough Castle, the nearby Bebra Gardens (formerly Moat Gardens) named after Knaresborough’s twin town in Germany, the grounds of Conyngham Hall, Horseshoe Field, King George V Playing Field and Jacob Smith Park, a 30-hectare parkland on the edge of the town bequeathed to Knaresborough by Miss Winifred Jacob Smith.



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