The Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is an important document for
Knaresborough’s future. If formally adopted, the NDP will become a legal
document which will be consulted for all planning applications in Knaresborough
until 2035. The Plan was compiled through a number of consultations with
Knaresborough residents and other stake holders between 2013 and 2019.
We thank everyone who has participated in the consultation processes and the feedback has very much contributed to the revised version (nearing completion) of the NDP which will be published in due course. This document, along with two supporting documents (NDP Basic Conditions Statement and NDP Consultation Statement), will now form the Knaresborough Town Council submission to Harrogate Borough Council requesting them to undertake a Regulation 16 (Reg16) consultation.
Following the Reg 16 public consultation, the plan will be submitted to an independent planning inspector and, after that the NDP will be subject to a local referendum. If more than 50% of the votes are cast in favour, the NDP will become a statutory document and will be Knaresborough's chapter in Harrogate District's local plan.
In addition, we have set out a list of supporting documents that have either provided direct evidence in support of the revised NDP document or are background reading that have influenced our thinking on policy area development.
NOTE – Due to the Coronavirus pandemic the UK government passed the Coronavirus Act 2020 which means no elections or referendums can take place until 6th May 2021 at the earliest.
Regulation 16 Submission Documents