Community Grants


Knaresborough Town Council puts an amount of money aside in their budget each year for use by Community Groups and organisations in the town. Funding applications must clearly be of benefit to the people of Knaresborough. 

For more information, or for an application form please follow the links below.
Grant Funding Policy and Guidance  
Grant Application Form 
Grant Monitoring Form (to be completed at 12 months from award given)

Knaresborough Town Council welcomes applications for Community Grants to be submitted by community groups and organisations in the town in accordance with the guidance criteria to benefit the people of Knaresborough (Download the application form and application guidance from KTC website).  Community Grants will be considered four times a year.

Applications should be submitted by the deadlines publicised throughout the year for corresponding Town Council meeting dates. Applicants are usually informed within two weeks of the council meeting.

The deadline for the next round of funding is Wednesday 2nd April 2025. Grants will be allocated at the discretion of the Town Council at the council meeting mid April, and applicants notified of the decision after 14th April 2025. 

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered until the next round of funding. Grants will not be made retrospectively.

The next round of funding will open again in May 2025 and there will be further opportunities later in the financial year.


Applications should be submitted by the deadlines that will be publicised throughout the year for corresponding meeting dates.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk's Office. 




Small Grants Fund

Knaresborough Town Council have introduced a small grants fund for funding up to £350. 

The budget for this fund is £5000 in total and applications can be sent to and will be dealt with on a monthly basis.

Small Grants Application Form 

Grants Awarded by Knaresborough Town Council

2018 - 2019

 FEVA - Annual Knaresborough Festival of Entertainment and Visual Arts  £1500 
 Friends of Knaresborough Station - to enhance the ambience of the Station with planters and display boards 


 King James's School - contribution to the community 3G football pitch  £7500
 Knaresborough in Bloom - Annual planting of containers throughout the town  £1600
 Renaissance Knaresborough - for community engagement activities  £1000
 Yorkshire Yoga - contribution towards costs of new heating system to allow the charity to continue  £2500
 Knaresborough Chamber of Trade - contribution to feasibility study for BID scheme  £1500
 Friends of Jacob Smith Park - History and wildlife interpretation board  £700
 Parkrun - contribution toward start-up costs at Conyngham Hall  £680

 2019 - 2020

 Renaissance Knaresborough - contribution to the Knaresborough Festival to coincide with the UCI Championship   £3500
 Knaresborough Chamber of Trade - contribution to Party at the Castle to coincide with the UCI Championship  £1000 
 Knaresborough in Bloom - Annual planting of containers throughout the town  £1600 
 Mr B Higgins - road naming for 'Arnold Kellett Way'  £1151
 Knaresborough Men's Forum - contribution for meeting room chairs  £600
 Renaissance Knaresborough - Town Museum project history archive  £2500
 Knot Another Choir - community singing workshop  £400
 Meadowside Academy - coding club equipment  £400
 River of Life Trust - St Robert Legacy project  £1100

2020 - 2021 

 FEVA - Annual Knaresborough Festival of Entertainment and Visual Arts   £2000
 Renaissance Knaresborough - Appleby play area  £1500
 Knaresborough Chamber of Trade - Christmas Tree Festival     £37.40 
 Inspire Youth - Part 1 of 3 Year support for youth work  £3900 
 Knaresborough Chamber of Trade - Destination Town website project  £1500
 Yorkshire Yoga - Wellness walks for the Community     £500
 Knaresborough Connectors - home schooling support  £7000

2021 - 2022 


 Friends of Aspin Pond - pond dredging   £1000 
 Knaresborough in Bloom - Annual planting of containers throughout the town   £1600
 Knaresborough Museum Association - Town Museum Project  £5000
 Knaresborough Connectors - Community Festival  £600
 KASHS Allotment - contribution towards wildlife cameras  £250
Gracious St Methodist Church/Resurrected Bites - Community Grocery Store Project   £7000
 Knaresborough Christmas Market - to support the Annual Event  £1110
 FEVA - Annual Knaresborough Festival of Entertainment and Visual Arts  £2000
 Knaresborough Business Collective - Spring Fayre  £1500
Chapel of Our Lady of the Crag - wall repair  £5429


2022 -2023

Inspire Youth Payment 2 of 3 supporting youth work  £3900 
Knaresborough in Bloom - Annual planting of containers throughout the Town       £1600
Knaresborough Connectors - to support the 'Voice' project    £1000
Knaresborough Business Collective - Spring Fayre £1500
The Creative Rise C.I.C - The Hive Community Project  £4000
Knaresborough Lions Club - Bed Race 2023 support £6000
Chain Lane Hub - supporting the Games in the Park Project £1582


2023 - 2024
Inspire Youth - Junior Youth Club £4500
Knaresborough in Bloom - Annual planting of containers throughout the Town       £1600
Knaresborough Flower Club - Coronation Display at Market Cross  £300
Henshaws - Artmaker symposium and festival 2023 £800
Chamber of Trade - Town Crier uniform £750
Independent Domestic Abuse Services - to further work in Knaresborough    £2500
Aspin Park Academy - Green initiative    £400
King James's School - Bebra 50th Anniversary Hoodies £1000
Renaissance Knaresborough - Town Window Scheme £3000
Henshaws - Woodwork workshop £500
Knot Another Choir - Manchester Annual Choral Competition £2040
Citizens Advice - To help access to service in Knaresborough £1500
Knaresborough Museum Association - New Heritage Centre   £2000