Knaresborough Town Council puts an amount of money aside in their budget each year for use by Community Groups and organisations in the town. Funding applications must clearly be of benefit to the people of Knaresborough.
For more information, or for an application form please follow the links below.
Knaresborough Town Council welcomes applications for Community Grants to be submitted by community groups and organisations in the town in accordance with the guidance criteria to benefit the people of Knaresborough (Download the application form and application guidance from KTC website). Community Grants will be considered four times a year.
Applications should be submitted by the deadlines publicised throughout the year for corresponding Town Council meeting dates. Applicants are usually informed within two weeks of the council meeting.
The deadline for the next round of funding is Wednesday 2nd April 2025. Grants will be allocated at the discretion of the Town Council at the council meeting mid April, and applicants notified of the decision after 14th April 2025.
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered until the next round of funding. Grants will not be made retrospectively.
The next round of funding will open again in May 2025 and there will be further opportunities later in the financial year.
Applications should be submitted by the deadlines that will be publicised throughout the year for corresponding meeting dates.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk's Office.