Terms of Reference 

Planning Committee Meetings are usually held on the first Monday of the month, in the Chamber at Knaresborough at 12 noon.  Members of the public are welcome to come to the meetings and if they wish to speak for or against an application will be given the opportunity to do so.  Knaresborough Town Council is a statutory consultee, North Yorkshire Council are the planning authority and ultimately make the final decision.  

Planning Committee

11 Mar 24




29 Jul 24


2 Sep 24

7 Oct 24

4 Nov 24

2 Dec 24

Planning Information

The Town Council is consulted by North Yorkshire Council on every planning application for the Town/Parish.


Please click here for the Plain English Guide to the Planning System

North Yorkshire Council is the planning authority and manages the whole process of planning. Knaresborough Town Council makes observations or objections which North Yorkshire then considers. Please note that North Yorkshire Council make the final decision on all planning applications within Knaresborough.

All planning applications to be considered by Knaresborough Town Council are included in the Agenda for each Council meeting. If you have any comments or queries regarding planning applications please contact the Town Clerk on clerk@knaresboroughtowncouncil.gov.uk.


North Yorkshire Council Planning Pages