Mayor of Knaresborough (May 2024 - May 2025)


Being a town of proud tradition, Knaresborough has maintained the honourable post of Town Mayor. Each year in May, a new Mayor is chosen by Knaresborough Town Councillors. For that year the Mayor is, regardless of politics, the representative of the town of Knaresborough.


It is an onerous role, which entails a very heavy commitment of voluntary time, often needing attendance at several functions each week as well as the usual commitments of a Town Councillor. The Mayor’s events vary from local community events to the formal Remembrance Day ceremonies to hosting important visitors to Knaresborough or representing Knaresborough to other communities whether these be close neighbours or our European ‘twin’ town of Bebra in Germany.


The Mayor for 2024/2025 is Councillor Margy Longhurst and her Consort is Mr Richard Hassall. The Deputy Mayor for this period is Councillor Andy Bell. The Mayor will be supporting the following charities during her Civic Year - The Knaresborough Museum Association and The Chapel of Our Lady of the Crag. 

If you would like to make a donation to the Mayor's charity please contact the Clerk's Office.

If you would like to invite the Mayor of Knaresborough to an event please email the Deputy Clerk on