Castle Lighting Scheme
Published: 28 March 2019
Press Release – Knaresborough Castle Floodlights Scheme.

Pictures credit to Richard Maude
The scheme to provide floodlights at the Castle in Knaresborough is now complete.
Knaresborough Town Council’s Castle Working Group, which comprises councillors and members of the Civic Society, as well as members of the public, has worked hard with consultant Brian Robinson to produce a scheme that is sympathetic to the castle’s turbulent history.
The scheme comprises 14 floodlights mounted in various locations which light the east, west and south elevations of the Castle. The lights are permanent and are lit every day from dusk until 12.30am. The multi coloured LED lights have been programmed to light different colours according to selected events. For instance, during Feva the Castle will be flooded in pink light. During times of national celebration the Castle will be lit in red, white and blue.
Working Group Chair Cllr Christine Willoughby said “This exciting innovative scheme allows the castle to be seen from many vantage points and the castle acts as a beacon to the town. It is impressive to see the castle floating over the trees as you come down the A59 from Harrogate. I hope that the town’s people and the town’s many visitors will enjoy seeing the castle in a new light and will visit it again and again”.
The Town’s public appeal for funding to help pay for the scheme is still open for donations.
To donate please make your cheque payable to 'Knaresborough Town Council' and send to Knaresborough Town Council, Knaresborough House, High Street, HG5 0HW.
For electronic payment please contact the Clerk at for bank details.
All donations gratefully received. No donation too small.
No 1 is the standard setting throughout the year, The West, South and East facades will be lit white at 3000 Kelvin, with the large window on the south face and the porch to the keep featured in red. This statement represents the turbulent past.
This standard setting precedes any special event scene and lasts 5 minutes before starting the special sequences. The sequences will run in chronological order with each sequence lasting 10 minutes before gently morphing into the next one.
Most events fall at the same time each year. The only change is Holy Week/Maundy and UCI World Cycling (September 2019)
Please click here for more detail.