New Mayor of Knaresborough 2024-25

Published: 12 June 2024

Being a town of proud tradition, Knaresborough has maintained the honourable post of Town Mayor.  Each year in May, a new Mayor is chosen by Knaresborough Town Councillors. For that year the Mayor is, regardless of politics, the representative of the town of Knaresborough.

On Thursday 23rd May at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council (Mayor Making), the Town Crier Mark Hunter welcomed guests and introduced the outgoing Mayor Cllr Hannah Gostlow. Hannah gave a speech and awarded the Community Cup and Environment Cup, as well as two special Mayor’s Award certificates, which recognise people, organisations and groups that have made significant contributions to the town over the last 12 months.

Community Cup - awarded to Community Stars

Environment Cup - awarded to The Green Group

Mayor’s Award certificate given to Knaresborough in Bloom - in recognition of their invaluable contribution to the community of Knaresborough and in celebration of their 21st birthday year.

Mayor’s Award certificate given to Alwyn Davies - in recognition of his invaluable contribution to community events in Knaresborough.

The outgoing Mayor Cllr Hannah Gostlow then invested the new Mayor for 2024/2025 Cllr Margy Longhurst and her Consort Mr Richard Hassall.

Margy’s chosen Deputy Mayor for this period is Cllr Andy Bell.

Mayor Margy Longhurst will be supporting the following charities during her Civic Year - The Knaresborough Museum Association and The Chapel of Our Lady of the Crag.

If you would like to make a donation to the Mayor's charity, please contact the Clerk's Office.

If you would like to invite the Mayor of Knaresborough to an event, please email the Deputy Clerk on

Mayor Making Photos 1 

Mayor Making Photos 2 

Photographs by Charlotte Gale Photography

Featured in photos – Councillors and guests

Cllr Margy Longhurst and Consort Mr Richard Hassell.

Cllr Hannah Gostlow

Cllr Andy Bell

Town Crier – Mark Hunter and Andrea Addyman

Community Stars – Clare Robinson and

The Green Team – Michelle Fryar

Knaresborough In Bloom – Andrew and Christine Willoughby

Helen Mitchell – Chair of Town Twinning

Pat Tankard – Knaresborough Silver Band

Rosita Moore – Town Twinning