Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
1. Employment:
(1) JNM
Events Ltd (Primary Employment).
(2) JNM Properties (Ownership pf a commercial
(3) North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (On-call Firefighter)
Spouse/ Partner - Betty's and Taylors Group Ltd
2. Sponsorship:
3. Contracts with the Parish Council:
4. Land in the area of the Parish Council:
(1) 29 Aspin Oval, Knaresborough HG5 8EL (Family Home) (also applicable with spouse/partner)
(2) 26 Aspin Oval, Knaresborough, HG5 8EL (Renovation) (also applicable with spouse/partner)
(3) Unit 1, Brickyard Road, Boroughbridge, YO51 9NS (Commercial property owned in partnership with brother - Matthew Pickard)
(4) Lib Dem Office, 12 Granby Road, Harrogate, HG1 4ST
5. Licences to occupy land:
6. Corporate tenancies:
7. Securities:
Other Interests
8. a) body to which you have been appointed or nominated by the authority as its' representative:
9. b) public authority or body exercising function of a public nature:
(1) Knaresborough Revolution – Founder/Chair
(2) Knaresborough Connectors- Volunteer
(3) Aspin park PTA – Chair/Secretary of Friends of Aspin Park
(4) Knaresborough Air Cadet - Civilian Committee
10. c) body directed to charitable purposes:
(1) National Trust – Membership
(2) Historic Houses – Membership
(3) RNLI – Monthly Donation
(4) PTA (friends of Aspin) – Monthly Lottery
11. Other:
Unpaid Directorship - Aspin PTA - Trustee, previously Chair now Secretary
12. d) body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy; (membership of a political party should be declared under this heading):
(1) Lib Dems, 1 Vincent Square, London, SW1P ZPN. 12 Granby Road (local office), Harrogate, HG1 4ST
13. e) trade union or professional association:
14. f) The name and address of any person or body from whom you have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £25 in the course of your work as a Councillor - private gifts or hospitality do no need to be recorded: