Kathryn Davies ROI (21/05/2022)

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment: 


Spouse/Partner - Company Director and Subsidiaries, Go2 Foods, Colman Industrial Estate, Thorne, DN8 5JS 

2. Sponsorship:


3. Contracts with the Parish Council:


4.  Land in the area of the Parish Council:

Joint home owner at address in the area of the Parish Council (also applicable to spouse/partner)

5. Licences to occupy land:


6. Corporate tenancies:


7. Securities:



Other Interests

8. a) body to which you have been appointed or nominated by the authority as its' representative:


9. b) public authority or body exercising function of a public nature:


10. c) body directed to charitable purposes:


11. Other:

(1) Member of the Royal Horticultural Society

(2) English Heritage Member 

(3) Committee Member of the Friendship and Leisure Society 

12. d) body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy; (membership of a political party should be declared under this heading):

Conservative Party Local Association Harrogate and Knaresborough 

13. e) trade union or professional association:

Member of the Chartered Association of Global Management Accountants (CGMA) 

14. f) The name and address of any person or body from whom you have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £25 in the course of your work as a Councillor - private gifts or hospitality do no need to be recorded:
